A free currency calculator and converter for webmasters

EXAMPLE #1: 20.89 GBP = euros

EXAMPLE #2: £199.99 is $

EXAMPLE #3: $59.99 is ¥

Add the following code between the <head> </head> tags of your web page

To display converted currency, copy/paste the code below where you want to display currency rates

Using currency converter javascript function
getExchangeRates('NUMBER VALUE','FROM CODE','TO CODE', 'ROUND VALUE: true or false')
Currency rate converter example

FREE! currency converter for webmasters (websites)
Using a form and AJAX to convert currencies


Our price: 19.99 euros

To use the currency converter example form on your website

Add the following code between the <head> </head> tags of your web page

To display converted currency, copy/paste the code below where you want to display currency rates

Using currency converter javascript function
getExchangeRatesDiv('ID OF DIV','NUMBER VALUE','FROM CODE','TO CODE', 'ROUND VALUE: true or false')
Make sure you pass a different DIV ID for each form (you could use your unique product reference (e.g. xfx_myproductref)



To use a currency converter form on your website

Add the following code between the <head> </head> tags of your web page

To display converted currency, copy/paste the code below where you want to display currency rates

Using currency converter javascript function
getExchangeRatesDiv('ID OF DIV','NUMBER VALUE','FROM CODE','TO CODE', 'ROUND VALUE: true or false')
Currency rate converter form example

Ebay currency exchange rate converter / calculator example

If you use our currency converters or exchange rate widget
a link back to our website would be nice ;)

Buy, compare, convert and transfer money or currency

Currency exchange rates are updated hourly and should ONLY be used as a guide.